Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Not Yet....

I keep getting asked if I am going to cry.....today was my last day at work for the Mesquite Library.  I don't think it will sink in till Saturday when I don't hop out of bed and start my Saturday routine that I have had for the past 5 years....then I might feel it...possibly not though since we are trying to hold the worlds or at least Mesquites/Bunkervilles craziest garage sale ever....Ok...not really...but we are undertaking a massive task of emptying our house of what has to be 3/4 of our worldly possessions...by this I mean toys....so maybe later...when I have time....but at least for now...Yes I will miss the people I have spent the last few years working besides and the patrons I have served....

I have loved being a Librarian!!!!


Grandma Rindy said...

I can't but believe that working at a library would really be a fun job. I think you will miss it but even more I THINK THEY WILL MISS YOU....EVEN IF THEY DON'T KNOW IT...YET