Monday, March 31, 2014

You know that one...

You know that saying that goes along the lines's a good thing she looks like that...the one that used to be said for those pretty girls who might be cute but nobody was home?

Well I am going to say the it's a good thing Nia looks like that....but mean something else....Dang if she wasn't cute she might have had a worse day yesterday than she did...

When a child has pushed their parents buttons repeatedly for hours at a time it shows even more when it well past midnight...

Nia has decided that nothing should considered out of limits for her.  So yesterday she made it her goal to climb the stairs up to her brothers room.  She got into everything possible to make a step to climb over the is amazing what a little kids mind can come up with when put to the test.  She was using boxes, toys, mixing bowls..and our favorite...a cup to get over that gate. 

She was very vocal in her displeasure of us not allowing her to hurt herself either...  The screams that can come out of a little girl are incomparable to little boys...  We know that for a fact now..

The worst of it is that she proceeded to do this even after we put a larger gate her stacks of things got more of course we stopped her, and you know what that means..

Come midnight she was doing a continuous scream...  The best was we would get her to lay down, her eyes would fight the urge to drift shut, but then she would be asleep...yea not so much.  Then she would pop right back up and scream some more....

Tag teaming this situation with your husband is the only option to save your sanity...but the kid is pretty good at breaking you, I decided...

I love her...but sheesh already.  She can rule the world tomorrow when she is grown up 25, until then we would like to not battle it out with her....


Grandma Rindy said...

sorry you had such a bad day and night with her.....I HAVE NO SOLUTIONS.....