Well we do have a bear in the woods around here. It hasn't been a problem...well unless you are one of the few unfortunate people whose homes he has decided to see the insides of...but otherwise no problems yet...
They are keeping an eye on him, and hopefully here in the next few days he decides to move his traveling bag of tricks on the road before you get someone who is a bit more ambitious after him.....at least he has been polite about his tricks and waited tell it was dark and late to do his B&E. Between the boys (who would willingly want to venture into their noisy world?) and all of our neighbors bringing their dogs up and down the boardwalks to all the homes we will most likely have an extremely high dose of bear repellent active at all times...
And NO! We don't go walking out in the woods once it is dark...and we never venture out alone on the boardwalk either Mom, so don't worry too much about it. The boys are really cute and very adamant about praying for our safety as well. So I think we are covered.
We did have the opportunity tonight to celebrate a birthday Alaska style with a good old hot dog cookout with all the expected and not so expected particulars...hot dogs...marshmallows....potato salad...chili....hot coco....chicken fajitas....birthday cake...cookies....sparklers....roman candles....and fire works..
Guess which part the boys will probably remember the most? Raiden and Judge enjoyed the roman candles...although nobody enjoys fireworks like Ender. I think he has a bit of a pyro waiting for the golden opportunity to pounce out of that six year old body of his....I do believe he might think...all it will take is that box of matches and the world will be mine! What should I burn first?!
And Jenner has proven himself to be quite the lady's man...and boy does he like the younger girls. This girl is a whole year younger than him and he gladly kept her company during the fireworks....all too gladly!
So there you have our BOO YAH! Hopefully you all are doing well. I can't wait to update you with school pictures (personally taken mind you) and Halloween shots too...
I am so glad to see that the world does not just pass you by because you are living in a not so populated area. I think you have to be creative and make the effort or the world would just pass you by. I hope you get rid of the bear soon.
I hope the boys are enjoying school and their adventures because you would never have had such opportunities in the last state you lived in. What an adventure Alaska is turning out to be.....
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