Thursday, October 24, 2013


Nothing sets the mood better...

Than looking out your many windows at the ocean and having it be so calm it is glassy.  Add to that a nice delicious cup of coco....then maybe throw in seeing a sea otter float out in the bay just enjoying the weak sunlight making it through the cloud cover....

It just makes you go...aaahhhhh and sigh a little....

Yesterday started this way.  Makes you not mind being up earlier than you want hustling the kids off to school so you can enjoy this moment....


The phone...


And a fellow parent is calling you to inform you that they....



That will effectively put an immediate end to your feel good moment....

Thankfully I buzzed the boys hair on Saturday and I like to think I would have noticed any little hitchhikers they might have brought home.  We did a check anyway, even though their hair is less then 1/2 inch long.

I think I would rather deal with a run of strep through our family than a case of would be easier to deal with anyway...

So now I am waiting for another morning so I can have back my serene moment in time.....and hopefully the sea otter or maybe even the sea lion will be there too!


Grandma Rindy said...

I hope that student is being kept home until the lice incident is taken care of.
I hope none of them hitchhikers show up on any of your kids..
Coco and a tranquil moment sounds delicious....
have a happy day.