Thursday, June 5, 2014

Family Time

We had a good family time tonight going out and kayaking.

And wouldn't you know, this one time I don't take the camera the Jellyfish our out in plenty.  I don't know what type these jellyfish are.  There was both a white (I think moon jellyfish) and then a peach or orange colored one. 

I was mostly startle at first simply cause I wasn't expecting them.  But after that they are pretty cool to watch swimming...

Kayak Girl

Amidst the whole end of year school cleaning, and trying to get our house in order before our impending trip, Nia, that awesome Princess Diva who apparently rules our house, has decided she is a Kayak Queen.

She gets sooo mad when anyone goes without her.  She has discovered how to get her hands in the water and she loves it.  She doesn't stay dry too long when we go out anymore.  She also thinks that although she doesn't do any of the paddling that she is the official compass and should decide where we go.  That can be an interesting conversation in the middle of the bay...

Not much of a conversation though when one is a somewhat average intelligence adult trying to reason with an uncommunicative one year old who should apparently be two and a half...

But it is a lot of fun having her enjoy the kayak and want to go out.  It is a fun and easy way to see the sights and enjoy the water and nature!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Art Show

The Port Alexander community had their annual art show today (sorry this was last Sunday...I didn't realize this post only saved and didn't publish). 

It turned out really well too.  I think we counted thirteen different categories in all.  The kids put in a lot of work, as well as the people in the community, and it was amazing to see what they came up with. 

Jenner and Ender were thrilled that their Q-Ba-Maze Fish that they built took 1st Place!

Mail Time

It is nice to be back to getting mail twice a week.  Makes the wait not seem so long! 

Mail day is by far the kids favorite days around here.  They always seem to think that besides our groceries we will be getting a package of goodies of some kind meant for them....

Some weeks that is true...usually replacement clothes, shoes or other paraphernalia...but as we start the count down until we go for a little break we just aren't getting that many packages...

But here is an example of a regular grocery box....this package was full of our 5 gallons of milk...

So to the price tag on the label add $5 per gallon on there and that is what our milk is costing us...