Saturday, October 12, 2013

Row, Row, Row

We had a nice hike today after the groceries came in and everything was put away.

We started the hike off with a little of row, row, row your boat...

And that was an adventure.  It took us (I should say Kale since he did the rowing) two trips to get across since there are so many of us in our "little" family.  It was only a minute to get across but the whole trip over was, "look at that star fish", "will we sink", "don't hit a rock" and "where is the treasure?"...(the last was my favorite).

And then the know the saying, "If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear it?"  Well if we are around that would be a no!
Anyone who thinks that girls jabber has never met our boys.  I do believe Nia was the quietest of the bunch....but those boys do love to talk, A LOT!
We didn't make it to the lake today...hopefully there will be good enough weather tomorrow, or in the next few days that we can make it over again...but we shall see.  We did spend a good 2 1/2 hours or so exploring on the other side of the bay.  It is amazing to see the different cabins and views of the bay. 
I will say I do have to retract my information about the ice in the bay....I have found out that it isn't is giant, and yes they are giant...gobbs of FOAM.  We found several huge chunks of it today while exploring... From a distance you would almost think it was big chunks of Styrofoam.  The boys were mesmerized by these.
I think the best part was the boat ride back.  One of the fishermen, George is his name, was down on the beach with his dog Rory when we came to the beach...they actually call it the parking lot because it is a wide expanse of beach where several of the families pull up their boats...and he helped us get the boat back into the water since we had to get the little kids in it.  The boys asked him his name again...I don't know why they have met him several times.  He said it is can call him Captain know like Captain Jack Sparrow...and the boys wanted to know if Captain Jack Sparrow is his cousin....we all had a good chuckle over that one.
We did manage to get a few pictures of SUN fish...not star fish cause they have more than five points...and look like, well a sun....

There was a giant Jelly fish floating around but I didn't manage to get a picture of it...well at least a clear picture of it...those suckers are hard to capture on a not so great camera. 

While waiting for the second boat to come over the little guys got tired of my great helpers (Jenner and Ender) volunteered to take the back packs and life jackets home while I waited for Kale.

You got to love a willing volunteer when he smiles and looks like this....    :)   !


Grandma Rindy said...

such little helpers..jenner and ender...this is stuff you would never have been able to do in hot, hot Mesquite. Keep the adventures rolling and creating fantastic and fun memories....