Saturday, August 10, 2013

Many Firsts

Today was a day filled of many firsts.  We had our first taste of smoked salmon.  It smells just like jerky.  The boys called it fish jerky when they tasted it.  Then we were given salmon filets by two of our friendly neighbors (so awesome looking when fresh) and we had our first attempt at cooking salmon fresh from the ocean.  We also took our first family jaunt to the point.  That is what the locals call the point of our part of the island.  The kids loved seeing the big open ocean...and to think another country is out there....and then I am the proud winner of the title of the first one to swim in the ocean.  Very cold and very salty....and believe it or not you do get used to the numbing cold after a little while...and to finish it off it is the end of our first day of firsts!


Anonymous said...

How was ur Sunday...

Hallie said...

Very different. Without a phone we cant attend our church yet. So we held our own primary for the kids. We had singing, scriptures, Articles of Faith, a lesson and an activity. Later in the day we went on a walk and then tried skyping my folks...that was interesting...

Grandma Rindy said...

let me know if you want me to send you any materials for know to make it maybe for interesting and fun for the kids. not that you cannot do that on your own but maybe some ideas from deseret or seagull....