Monday, February 17, 2014

R is

I thought I would introduce you all to something, or shall I say someone, that I know you haven't meet before.

He is eleven, soon to be twelve years old.  Rather loveable but dorky at times.  I guess that goes with the territory.  He is mostly kind to his siblings and I swear he sprouts every time I look at him.  He is quite proud of the fact that as of today he measures 61 inches.  So yes if you do the math he is 5 feet 1 inch tall and that means he has 1 1/2 inches to go before he can say he is taller than his mother.  He already has longer arms than her, so that isn't much of a reach!!!  Haha I can make a funny!

So here he is in all his coming to teenage glory soon...


He made a little movie the other day and I told him I would be including it on the family blog soon...  So here you have it...Raiden's Snowy Triumph


Grandma Rindy said... are taller than grandma Rindy. shame on you!!
You are really growing like a weed.
a good weed I hope. Wow, soon to be 12 and getting the Priesthood.
I am proud of you and love you and your whole family.